Given the figures at hand of the number of people who die in road accidents in Uganda, and those who are injured, there is all the evidence that the number of dependent people increases with time given that it is mostly responsible people with families who perish in these. Just a look at the menace of the Commercial cyclists in Uganda shows you the magnitude of the problem. One of Uganda’s biggest problems is the failure of those in control to take decisions that solve problems once for all. You cannot regulate boda – boda riders when at one end you see them as a potential voting bloc. Government ends up leaving them to rule, hence the increasing road accidents.
Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) were the leading cause of trauma and boda-bodas were involved in 41% of all trauma patients. The average duration of stay was 8.3 days. The average cost to maintain a boda-boda patient was determined at Uganda shillings 700,359 or the equivalent of US $369. Boda-boda injuries consumed 62.5% of the budget allocation for the directorate of surgery, Mulago Hospital.
Boda-bodas are a major cause of traumatic injuries among cases seen in the surgical emergency department at Mulago and the costs incurred by the hospital in managing these injuries are enormous. Efforts should be made to reduce the menace that is brought about by boda-boda motorcycle crashes. Resources currently being spent on treating injuries resulting from accidents involving boda-bodas would then be used to improve the care of other patients.
Boda-bodas are a major cause of traumatic injuries among cases seen in the surgical emergency department at Mulago and the costs incurred by the hospital in managing these injuries are enormous. Efforts should be made to reduce the menace that is brought about by boda-boda motorcycle crashes. Resources currently being spent on treating injuries resulting from accidents involving boda-bodas would then be used to improve the care of other patients.
The way forward
1. Serious decision making to regulate Commercial cyclists and see their numbers greatly reduced in the city center, ensuring that they follow all the instructions without fear or favour.
2. Have Traffic Police deployed at intervals on highways to ensure that speed is observed.
3. Have the Traffic Police facilitated while on duty with drinking water among other things.
4. Traffic Police should be given a number of hours during which they should be on road before they are relieved to ensure efficiency
5. Traffic Police to be given a percentage of the cases that are required to pay penalties for traffic offences
6. For each bus, a traffic police officer to be part of the passengers to ensure that the driver does not over speed or overtake in wrong places.
7. To improve the communication gadgets which traffic police use in reporting those who break the law.
8. Ensure that all drivers from drinking joints are tested for level of alcohol before being allowed to drive off.
9. Have victims of the traffic penalties charged the amounts on their Tax Identification numbers so that whenever they have to re-new the taxes, the penalty is already charged there to enforce compliance to pay.
10. Spot handling those who drive while of phone with kid gloves. Ensure that the set (without the sim card (s) is taken from the abuser for an agreed time as shall be stipulated in the law. 3rd parties to be rewarded in case they report those who talk on phone while driving as long as there is concrete evidence.
11. All vehicles to have to undergo free mechanical check up periodically such that the vehicle is cleared only after the defects are rectified.
12. Put in place personnel in Police to follow up past road accident victims to see how best to help the families.
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